
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Hearing God

Sometimes it is really hard to hear what God is saying. The Bible says to "Be still and know that I am God" The Bible also calls God speaking a "Still small voice" (see 1Kings 19:11,12)

In this passage, God is passing by, and it describes a great wind that "rent the mountains" and it says the Lord was not in the wind. Then after the wind there was an earthquake and it says God was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake there was a fire, but God was not in the fire. Then it says there was a still small voice. And if you read the passage, that was God.

I know it's hard to hear God. I have a hard time doing it. I've found some things that work.

1. While you're praying, if somebody or a situation pops into your head, roll with it and pray about that! I've been doing this, and ... wow, prayer time just got so much longer. To be honest, I'll sometimes be like, Wow this is taking loooong! lol But, if God brings something to your mind, you better bet your life you need to follow it!

2. Pray and then don't just say, "In Jesus' name, Amen." Okay, I'm done! Pray, and don't finish. Just keep quiet for a while. Do your best to keep your thoughts empty!

3. If when you're doing something you feel like you should pray, or read your Bible, do it! Now, I understand if you're in the middle of talking to somebody or working at something or school, this isn't really quite going to work, but you can pray even without actually taking time to stop what you're doing! I know!

So, there are some ideas.. I may turn this into a series, I don't know!

Some cool news, I graduate next June, I'm applying to a local college, (UNC) and I am going to major (this is all grounded on if I make it in) in Nursing as a Pre-Med! I'm so excited! Working on applications and scholarships! :D


  1. Great post Ruth and that's awesome that you are going to be trying to go to UNC next year! :)

    1. Thanks, Maggie! Yeah, I'm really pumped to graduate! haha
