Hey there! Happy Armed Forces day! I found out, that a lot of people don't realize there's even a day that we honour men and women currently enlisted in the armed forces. Which to me, being the patriotic and supportive little soul I am, is quite astounding!
So... Armed Forces Day, is the day we honour people currently serving in the U.S. Military. Veterans' Day is for honouring veterans (anyone who has fought) and Memorial Day is remembering those who died.
So there's your brief tutorial on military holidays! Don't forget to thank people in your life who are serving, or have a family member who is serving in our military! They deserve our love, our respect, our support, and our unwavering loyalty. Don't forget to pray for them and our Country and their families! There's a saying "The only thing harder than being a soldier, is loving a soldier" Show any military family or member you know some love today. They need it!
Thanks to all our military and their families for what they do for us! God bless you all!
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