
Tuesday, May 5, 2015


First post on this new blog, and I'm totally excited! I want to share with you something that I've been learning lately.

Patience and faith mostly. You know, I was worried for a while about what my life's going to look like in a few years. Will I get married? Will I have a family? Or am I going to be a spinster my whole life? I got impatient to know what the future was. Do you know that I heard at least three times last week (which was really a climax of my being like.. WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN?!) that God holds everything for us and gives it to us at the right time. A random cashier at the grocery store. A story on the radio. A small voice inside me while I was praying. I distinctly remember being incredibly surprised that I had heard the same thing so many times! Okay. I got the message. God, you aren't going to tell me right now what I can expect. I need to have faith and know You're planning a perfect future for me.

I may get impatient, but overall I am going to try my best to be patient and wait on God's timing. I may lose faith about His plan, but when I do, I remind myself. God is perfect. He's in control! Why worry when you know God loves you?! It's a great comfort!

There you go! My first post! I'll be trying to post about twice a week! Check out my about page! It has some info on me to help you get to know the writer behind the posts ;)

"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus"

That's what this blog is about! My journey pressing toward the prize! It's going to be crazy. It's going to be awesome! It's going to be sad. It's going to be happy! But it will all ultimately be for God's glory!


  1. Wow, yeah. I struggle with those exact thoughts. The Lord laid it on my heart to take it one day at a time, instead of having a 5 or 10 year plan, just on Him. I have to say, it's incredibly freeing to just let go of control. Holding too tightly only serves to tire me and beat me down.
    A modest fashion blog:

    1. Exactly, Natasha! It's hard to not be able to be in control, but if I try to be, I just end up stressing myself out and being discontent! Glad you found my new blog! Thanks for the comment :)


  2. Totally agree! I struggle with this too! Especially related to college stuff! :) Love ya!

    1. Awww! Love you, Maggie! Yes, future stuff is very stressful ;) But "Casting all your cares on Him for He cares for us!"
