
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Long Silence + Awkward+Awesome

Yes, it has been almost a month! I'm sorry, but I was taking a break from electronics. I'm back now, though, and I hope to give regular updates!

So, tomorrow morning, I will be heading to summer camp (confetti and cheers please?)! Last year's was awesome and I'm really looking forward to this year's! I hope it's even better than last! Prayers for safety for me and my youth group would be appreciated! Also, prayers that God would move in our hearts this week. It's such an awesome opportunity that our church and our parents are giving us! I really want it to help us spiritually and I know it can!

Real quick I'll do an awkward+awesome!


1. the picture your brother shows to everyone in youth group (youth leaders and pastors included, not to mention the intern who came along for fun) of you looking like you just threw up or died on your very first roller coaster. Please congratulate me, it was the Intimidator. First and last roller coaster ride ever.

2. A friend's baby's diaper falling off and you having to carry the baby back to its mom... yeah.... at least it was clean!


1. Having said baby like playing with you finally!

2. Worship meetings! THEY ARE SO AWESOME!

Well, there you have it! I'll be back with more details soon! I'll try to write a devotional soon! I've been spending so much more time reading and praying while I've been off electronics! It's so awesome! I think I'll take weeks off at a time more often! ;)

